Friday, August 7, 2015

Classroom Reveal

Hi everyone!!

Since last year I was an Interventionist and I didn't have my own classroom, this is my very first classroom reveal. Yeah!! I really feel like I brought myself into the classroom. I wanted to build a positive and safe environment. My goal is to teach their heart before I teach their mind.

I hope you enjoy! :)

 Evidence Based Information, and soon to be "VIP" area.

My teacher retreat.

 This is my clam down corner. It will be used for those moments when the kids need a break, or a moment of reflection.

 This is my small group intervention area. I have it set up with "First Day of 5th Grade" photo props.

I hope you like. Thank you for stopping by.

God Bless You!
Valerie Simonoff

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Classroom Anchors

Good afternoon,

I've decided to have a nautical theme in the classroom this year. It just felt right to bring some of the Coast Guard values with me and lead my fifth grade team to success.

This is my teacher planner by C. Jayne Teach. It will be my teacher anchor and it contains my plans, calendar, student notes and progress data. It is very important to stay organized and be always be ready.

As you can see, I will be using a lot of anchors in my classroom. Don't you just love my anchor teacher sign? I bought it on Etsy by a seller named SparkledWhimsy. You should check her out. All her products are just beautiful. I asked her to put "Semper Paratus" on the top instead of Welcome. This is the Coast Guard motto, and it means "Always Ready." I will be teaching my students to  always be ready and sail through the storm as a team.

Here are some quotes that I framed and will be placing on a shelf. I felt that they were fitting and hopefully will come in handy during the school year. I got these from Kacie Travis on Teachers Pay Teachers.
I hope you've enjoyed this sneak peak. Please stay tuned for the classroom reveal, and let me know if you have any suggestions.
Thank you for your time!!
Valerie Simonoff

Welcome to Educate to Lead!

Welcome to my blog and thank you for visiting.

My name is Valerie Simonoff and I am a teacher for Harlandale ISD. I am a new teacher and a new blogger. I spent 8 years as an Active Duty Coast Guard member (my specialty was HR), and then 3 years as an HR professional in the private sector and for the government. I just recently enrolled in the Troops to Teachers program, and they have helped me begin this new journey as an elementary teacher.  

I am currently working at an “at risk” school, and just signed my 2015-2016 contract as a fifth grade English Language Arts & Reading/Writing teacher. I am excited to take on this challenge and document my journey by blogging.

Last semester, I held the role as the Campus Interventionist and provided high-level literacy and writing intervention for struggling students in the STAAR test taking grades. Intervention included: modeling, student-centered activities, explicit and implicit instruction, and progress monitoring. I feel grateful to have had this position, and I believe that my initial role helped set me up for success for the upcoming year.

Let the blogging begin!